03. Enrolment/履修登録について

How can I enrol subjects? 履修登録方法を教えてください。

MBA course

Please register yourself via eStudent.

How to use eStudent:

* Bond-BBT students do not have to register for classes.
* You must register your emergency contact before enrolement of adding electives.

* GCCL or Qualifying student need to send an email to and request your enrolment.

*if you have a system error, please contact IT service desk.

Tel: +61 7 5595 4444 (Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm AEST)


* If you have any question except system itself, please contact BBT Advisor

Tel:  +61 7 5595 2059 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5.00pm AEST)



(on campusも含めた全学生向けのページとなっておりますことご了承ください)
▼Enrolment Guide for Bond BBT Global Leadership MBA Students

*Step 3のクラス登録は必要ありません。


※何らかの理由で履修登録ができない場合は、下記のFAQをご覧ください。それでも解決しない場合はBond大学( )まで直接ご連絡ください。

▼FAQ 履修登録


GCGL Course

Please contact BBT Advisor:

*GCGL Students are required to complete all GCGL subjects before enrolling the other subjects.

*Please use your BOND student email address.




※BOND大学Student Email addressから英語でメールをお送りください。


▼GCGL subjects

-Accounting for Decision Making
-Data Analytics for Decision Making
-Global Business Leadership
-Marketing Management


Qualifying Course

Please contact BBT Advisor:
The maximum is 3.0 units.

*Please use your BOND student email address.



※BOND大学Student Email addressから英語でメールをお送りください。


How can I find my course on AirCampus? 履修登録を行った科目がAirCampusに反映されません。

Course detail pages on AirCampus appears a few days before the commencement date.

There may be cases where a time rug occurs until a subject detail page appears after your registration.

*Students should confirm your enrolment is normally finalized after your registration.

*In case of integrated classes with Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business, the subject page will open about three days before the start date.

*Regarding January semester subjects, students can see the course pages after the business start day in the new year due to winter recess.
*Regarding May semester, students can see the course pages after the consecutive holidays what is called a golden week in Japan.







eStudent/iLearn is locked. eStudentやiLearnがロックされてしまいました。解除方法を教えてください。

Please try to self-reset according to your log-in page on eStudent and/or iLearn.


If you do not success the password reset, please contact IT Service Desk by emailing or calling on 61-7-5595-4444 with the information below.

1. address
2. date of birth
3. degree/program that you are enrolled in

*The above three information must match with Bond university’s records.
*If you try to log in by a company-issued PC, some error may occur. In this case, please use your private PC before locked again.




1. address
2. date of birth
3. degree/program that you are enrolled in

*The above three information must match with Bond university’s records.



※1 リセットされたパスワードは一時パスワードとなりますので、

※2 お勤め先のセキュリティが高い場合は、パスワードを入力しても

※3 間違ったパスワードを複数回ご入力されますと、再度アカウントがロックされますので、

How to withdraw? What is cancel penalty? 履修登録した科目をキャンセルできますか、ペナルティはありますか?

Students can withdraw from subjects via eStudent before last withdrawal date.

After last withdrawal date, please apply for withdrawal form via eStudent.

*Please make sure your withdrawal will be finalized normally after logging in again.

*If you apply for withdrawal after the Last Cancellation date, you will receive financial and/or academic penalty. Regarding the subject dates (withdrawl penalty dates) on a subject outline page, please refer to the following link.


Last Withdrawal Date以前にキャンセルする場合は、eStudentよりWithdrawal手続きを行ってください。

またLast Cancellation Dateを過ぎてからのキャンセルには、ペナルティが発生します。
ペナルティが発生するスケジュール(Subject dates)は、下記リンクをご参照ください。

What is minimum score to enrol English subjects? 英語科目を履修するための基準を教えてください

Minimum required score is below.

If you are not English-Native, you need to submit English Score like TOEIC. Please send a PDF or original score to BBT Tokyo office ( by the end of enrolment period.



 ▼Minimum Required Score

・Enrol English subjects online

TOEIC 600(TOEIC IP is acceptable)
IELTS 5.0 (Only academic result is acceptable)


・Enrol Study Tour subjects

・TOEIC 750
・TOEFL  CBT 230 with Essay 5.0 min/ iBT 89, all sections = 20, writing = 22
・IELTS Academic Module 6.0 (no sub-score less than 6.0)

Let me know required condition for joining Study Tour /Study Tourへの参加条件はありますか?

If you are not English-Native, you need to submit English Score like TOEIC. Please send a PDF or original score to BBT Tokyo office ( by the end of the enrolment period. However, we recommend you will join the Study Tour after completing some basic subjects of the foundation core subjects like Accounting and Marketing.

TOEICの参加条件(Study Tour科目の履修条件)は、英語要件のみです。Pre-requisite科目はございません。

ただし、AccountingやMarketingなどFoundation Core科目をいくつか終えてからの参加をおすすめします。

▼Minimum Required Score for Study Tour

・TOEIC 750
・TOEFL CBT 230 with Essay 5.0 min/ iBT 89, all sections = 20, writing = 22
・IELTS Academic Module 6.5 (no sub-score less than 6.0)

I cannot enrol subjects by eStudent.(eStudentからの履修登録がうまくいきません)

Please check the below when subjects which you want to enrol do not appear on eStudent.
If you cannot solve your issue, please kindly contact BOND University. (




(1)Enrolment period /履修登録の受付期間

Please confirm the enrolment period in the Subject Availability Date.

Subject Availability Datesにて、履修登録期間内であるかどうかご確認ください。

▼Subject Availability Dates
iLearn>BBT Student Utilities or AirCampus>Structure & Calendars>Academic Calendars



(2)Elective subject /選択科目である

In case of elective subjects, you have to add the subject in your Study Plan on eStudent before enrolling. Please watch the instruction video, step 2.

選択科目の場合は、履修登録の前にStudy Planに追加する必要があります。追加方法は下記のインストラクションのStep 2をご参照ください。

▼Enrolment Guide for Bond BBT Global Leadership MBA Students



 (3) Business Planning Part A or B / Business Planning Part AまたはPart Bである

Please contact BBT Advisor and ask to enrol. You cannot enrol by yourself on eStudent.

Business Planning Part AもしくはPart BはBBT Advisorが登録を行いますので、BBT Advisor(までご連絡ください。eStudentからのenrolはできません。



(4)Do not submit English score if you are not English-Native /英語スコアが未提出である

If you are not English-Native, you need to submit English Score like TOEIC. Please send BBT Tokyo office ( your official score.

Please kindly refer to here regarding the criteria.





(5)Pre-requisites /事前履修科目を満たしていない

Please make sure if you completed pre-requisite subjects.


事前履修科目は、Program Structureにてご確認ください。

※Program StrcuctureはAirCampus>Structure & Calendars>Program Structureから確認してください。



(6)Second attempt or not /再履修であるかどうか

If you fail the course before, you need to contact BBT Advisor(

再履修(second attempt)の場合、自動で表示されませんので、Bond大学Advisorに代理登録の依頼をしてください。



(7)Outstanding fees /学費残高が不足している

Enrolment will be sanctioned due to outstanding fees or insufficient funds. In this case, please check your records and arrange for prompt payment.


BOND-BBT MBA専用のPaymentリンクより、不足分+履修したい科目の単位数分の学費をお支払いください。

*JPY only.

*Please make sure your SID is correct. Payment will be completed even if you input a wrong SID.

*You can confirm your payment balance by requesting your statement to Finance (



(8)Reached a class quota/定員に達している

Each class quota except below is 40 students. Enrolment via eStudent will be capped if the class is full. Please contact to BBTadvisor in this case.


Marketing Strategy – quota 35x
Values Based Marketing – quota 35
Business Model Design – quota 40

If you hope to enrol the three subjects below, please see:

Marketing Strategy、Values Based Marketingは定員35名です。この2科目は東京事務局にて履修登録を取りまとめます。




Please kindly contact BOND University ( if none of the above is applicable.

